Archives for posts with tag: school

Yes can you believe it? I’ve been in school for 10 weeks! Whew! How time passes by, I am almost finished for the semester. Only 6 more weeks to go! Returning back to school has been pretty exciting and exhausting at the same time. Refreshing my brain with basic Algebra and English. I do love to learn, I mean come on? Who doesn’t like feeding their brain knowledge? Well at least I do. The feeling of learning something new or old again, I cannot explain. Don’t get me wrong there are days I want to yank my hair out but most days I do appreciate I was able to return to school. Yes there are the challenges, juggling school, mommy duties, household chores, etc. though in the end it’s all worth it. Trust me, it is 🙂

There are many things coming up, we are in the process of finding a new apartment to live in. I just hope we are able to find a place sooner than later; I really just want to get it over. Though I know I must have some patience and all will fall into place. Well at the time being I have studied and am preparing for midterms this past week and I am still not done. I have a lot of reading and catching up on homework assignments that’d I have neglected cleaning and laundry. Don’t worry after midterms I will take care of it. Well off to stick my head back into my literature book.

In between breaks I have been working on my first knit hat…

I thought I show everyone a sneak peek of the crochet heart pin’s I’ve been working on for my son’s valentine favors. If you didn’t get a chance to read about it, you can here. They are still not finished, still have a lot to do this weekend! eek! I’ve been pretty busy with school and mommy duties; I might have to wait until everyone is off to bed for no distractions.

I hope everyone enjoys their Valentine’s weekend!